Free Shipping!
Shipping is included in our prices. Some exclusions apply. There is an additional charge of $2.00 per bunch for shipments to AK and HI over 10 bunches.
We will ship the order close to the date that you specify on your order. The default value is our recommended ship week for your area, but if you want your order shipped at another date, please indicate it with your order. Our experienced staff will schedule shipment for the proper planting time in your area. If you ship your order to more than one location, each shipment will be treated as a separate order. Because onion plants need to arrive fresh, we ship the most effective way available. We recommend the US Postal Service Priority Mail for most orders under 14 bunches. For larger orders, we prefer to ship by UPS or FedEX. For orders of multiple cases going UPS or FedEX, two boxes will be strapped together. We are unable to guarantee arrival on a specific date.
Remember to select your ship date and you can override our shipping dates if you’d like. Simply enter your desired ship date in the “Requested Ship Date” field during checkout. Note, Harvest schedules can be interrupted due to weather conditions.
Mesh nettings, storage bags, fertilizer, Feed & Weed, chemicals, and harvest aids are shipped year-round.
Please note that price discounts are applied to single ship dates. If you wish to have your order ship on multiple ship dates (for example: Intermediate Day varieties on 12/2 and Long Day varieties on 1/6), you will be charged for two separate orders.
Zip Code Chart
Find the range of the first three digits of your zip code.The date next to it indicates the week that we recommend your plants be shipped. If today’s date is after your region’s listed ship date, your order will ship immediately. You can always override the recommendation and request a particular week your order be shipped. We process the orders in the order in which the order was taken.